
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.28, No.7, 567 ~ 574, 1990
Load - Controlled Tensile characteristics of High Strength Austenitic Steels at Cryogenic Temperatures
이해무 , 방건웅 , 이주진 , 한재광 , R . P . Reed
Load-controlled tensile tests were conducted at 76 and 4 K on high strength austenitic steels. The loading rate was varied from 5 to 5000 N/s. The effects of loading rate and testing temperature on tensile properties of high strength austenitic steels were observed and the results were correlated to the temperature rise of the specimens due to internal specimen heating effects during tensile tests. The change of loading rate also affected the onset of discontinuous yielding and, in turn, the fracture characteristics of the steels at 4K. The role of discontinuous yielding in affecting the dependence of ultimate strength on loading rate was discussed.
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