A Study on Cr Segregational Phenomenon in CoCr Films by Thermomagnetic analysis
장평우Pyung Woo Jang, 이택동Taek Dong Lee, 강탁Tak Kang
Thermomagnetic analysis of rf-sputtered Co_(84)Cr_(16) and Co_(78)Cr_(22) films have shown unusual behavior. In the Co_(78)Cr_(22) films, Ms remains non zero upon heating up to 700℃ but did not appear until around 260 ℃ on cooling. After the one cycle heat treatment Ms of the film at room temperature was close to that of bulk materials of the same composition. This phenomenon is attributed to Cr redistribution from Cr rich column boundary region. On the contrary Co_(84)Cr_(16) films showed increase of Ms value above 600℃ upon heating and this seems to be related to the appearence of a fcc phase which may be rich with Cr. The angular dependency of coercivity has shown that shape anisotropy due to Cr segregation at column boundary is dominant factor for perpendicular anisotropy in as-sputtered Co_(78)Cr_(22) films. Upon heat treating the angular dependency of coercivity was diminished though the C-axis alignment of the film was kept, which indicates Cr redistrbution as has been mentioned.