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Vol.27, No.10, 871 ~ 881, 1989
Fe - Nd - B Permanent Magnet made by Rapid Solidification / Hot Consolidation Technology
양충진Choong Jin Yang, 최승덕Seung Dueg Choi
The hot-working behavior of rapidly solidified Fe-Nd-B powders was investigated to utilize the hot consolidation techniques in direct fabricating a promising permanent magnet. The examination of stress-strain distribution of both the mandrel extruded ring magnet and the pack rolled magnet enlightens the source of prominent magnetic anisotropy of those hot consolidated magnet bars. It has been confirmed that the maximum normal strain during hot deformation causes the Fe_(14)Nd₂B grains with their c-axes to be aligned parallel to the strain direction resulting in the enhanced remanent magnetization. The highest remanence of Br=8.6 kG was observed along the through-thickness direction of the ring magnet, and of Br=6.9 kG for the pack rolled magnet along the thickness direction. A(001)[1 ̄10] texture was found to form in the plane normal to the thickness direction of pack rolled magnet bar. The maximum energy product about 10∼11 MGOe was obtained from the hot consolidated Fe-Nd-B magnet deformed in true strain ε_u = 1.0 range.
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