
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.27, No.7, 598 ~ 606, 1989
A Hot Compaction Model for Metal Powders
김기태K . T . Kim, 서정J . Suh, 한무룡M . R . Han
A mathematical model is proposed to describe time dependent pressure, relative density and temperature relations of metal powders during hot compaction. Experimental data are obtained from hot compaction of iron powder. The model is based partly on micromechanical (hollow sphere) analysis and partly on phenomenological analysis. At constant temperature, the pressure and densification measure relations for the instantaneous and equilibrium responses are described by linear response laws. A time dependent densification of metal powders under constant temperature and pressure is described by a power law creep response. The experimental data support the assumed linear response laws and the power law creep response. Agreement between theoretical curves and experimental data is very good.
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