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Vol.27, No.6, 503 ~ 513, 1989
Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of Welded AISI 304 Stainless Steel
정기송Ki Song Chung, 강인찬In Chan Kang
The fatigue crack growth behaviors of the base metal, the heat affected zone and the weld metal in AISI 304 stainless steel weldment were studied. The effects of the rolling direction, the content of δ-ferrite, sensitization and solution heat treatment were also investigated. The fatigue crack growth rates in the weld increased in the order of the weld metal, the base metal and the heat affected zone. But was found independent of the rolling direction. Sensitized specimens showed low fatigue crack growth rate in low ΔK region, however, intergranular facets were observed on the fatigue fracture surface. The fatigue crack growth rates of the base metal, the heat affected zone and the we1d metal were decreased with the solution heat treatment. The content of δ-ferrite up to 10.1% did not influence the fatigue crack growth rate with an exception of the specimens with 7.8% which showed a decreased crack growth rate.
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