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Vol.27, No.3, 257 ~ 268, 1989
Development of Shear Band in Cold Rolled Copper
허무영Moo Young Huh, 홍종휘Jong Hwi Hong
The mechanism of the shear band formation has been studied in the high1y rolled copper. The results obtained from the transmission electron microscopical investigation and the x-ray texture measurement were interpreted by the rotation stability based on the Taylor deformation theory. The formation of the shear hand was found along a crystallographic {111} plane which corresponded to the rotated rolling plane about TD. It was found that shear bands were developed preferential1y in the deformed grains oriented near the {4 4 11}<11 11 8>. It was also noted that the orientation inside of a shear band was the same throughout the shear band. Thus the lattice curvature model in a shear band could not be accepted in case of the Cu-type shear band. The shear bands lying almost parallel to the rolling plane at the very high reduction indicated that the strain state was different during and after the formation of the Cu-type shear band.
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