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Vol.27, No.1, 24 ~ 32, 1989
Reduction Rate and Dezincing of Pellets Made of Blast Furnace Sludge
조종민Chong Min Cho, 김태동Tai Dong Kim, 김영준Young Jun Kim, 박윤출Yeoun Chul Park
Pellets made of blast furnace sludge were reduced utilizing mixed carbon in CO 30%-N₂70 % gas mixture, and effects of carbon content and temperature on reduction rate were studied. Swelling was observed when the pellets were reduced at 900-1,000℃, while sintering occurred at temperatures above 1,100℃. Reduction rate of iron oxide increased rapidly when the carbon content and/or temperature were increased. Formation of low-melting slag retarded the reduction rate. In order to accomplish dezincing process effectively, reaction temperature should be kept above 1,000℃.
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