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Vol.26, No.12, 1190 ~ 1200, 1988
A Study on the Mechanical Properties of Low - Carbon Boron Steels containing Cr
이종민J . M . Lee, 김영희Y . H . Kim, 한봉희B . H . Hahn
The hardenability and mechanical properties of Low-carbon steels containing Cr were investigated and the results were correlated with Cr content. The hardenability decreased with increasing the austenitizing temperature and increased with Cr content. But the hardness was increased slightly by dereasing the tempering temperature and increasing Cr content. And the softening of boron steels by adding Cr was delayed during tempering. There was one step embrittlement in notch toughness test, the thin and long particles precipitated along the lath boundary may be a major factor. The tensile properties were improved by adding Cr. Impat energy increased when tempered at higher temperatures, hut tensile strength and yield strength decreased continously with tempering temperature.
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