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Vol.26, No.10, 992 ~ 999, 1988
The Mechanical Properties of Activated Sintered W Powder Compact
조성호Sung Ho Cho, 김은표Eun Pyo Kim, 유승철Seung Chul Yoo, 문인형In Hyung Moon
In order to provide some basic data on the mechanical properties of Ni-activated sintered W-powder compact, hardness and strength of this material were measured at the room temperature as well as the high temperature. The measured high temperature tensile strength was ranged from 11.25 ㎏/㎟ at 1000 ℃ to 4.3 ㎏/㎟ at 1400 ℃, which was lower than that of the pure W-specimen given in literature by a factor of two to three. The high temperature hardness was 240 to 55㎏/㎟, depending on the testing temperature between 600℃ and 1200 ℃. This value is somewhat higher than that of the normal sintered pure W-specimen. The transverse rupture strength of the Ni-activated sintered W-specimen was also lower then that of the normal sintered W, being 440 MPa, but the hardness of the former was comparable to that of the latter at room temperature.
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