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Vol.26, No.7, 689 ~ 697, 1988
Effect of Thermomechanical Treatments on the Superplasticity and the Cavitation of 7075 Aluminum Alloy
김정선Jeong Sun Kim, 맹선재Sun Chae Maeng
In this work the effects of different thermomechanical treatments(TMT) on the superplasticity of 7075 Al-alloy, and cavitation by superplastic deformation have been studied. The adapted TMT are conventional method by Paton and some other methods, which modified the rolling process. However, any other convenient methods, which bring better superplasticity than the conventional method, could not be found. Superplasticity of the studied 7075 alloy are affected more strongly by the distribution of secondary particles than the grain refinement. Fracture in superplastic deformation are caused by cavitation. The preferential sites of cavitation are Fe-rich or Si-rich secondary phase at the grain bound-aries. Coarse precipitates and Cr-including phases also helped cavitation.
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