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Vol.26, No.7, 664 ~ 670, 1988
Role of Carbide during Continuous Annealing in Extra Low Carborn Al - killed Steels
박용범Yong Bum Park, 한봉희Bong Hee Hahn
The role of carbide was studied in continuous annealing process of extra low carbon Al-killed steels. 2-stage annealing has a1so been attempted to clarify the correlation between behavior of carbide and development of recrystallization texture. Effect of carbide on the development of (111) recrystallization texture is greatly divided into two different way. At the early stage of recrystallization Mn-C dipole, closed by dissolution of carbide, plays a role of inhibitor against nucleation. On the other hand, at the stage of grain growth, not only recrystallized grain boundaries but sub-boundaries are prevented from migrating by fine spherical cementite, [Fe, Mn]₃C. This carbide provides preferred precipitation sites for solute carbon during aging.
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