The semiconducting SnO₂and SnO₂( : Sb) films were deposited on n-type silicon wafer substrates by chemical vapor deposition and the electrical properties of these hetero junctions have been investigated. Dibutyl tin diacetate and antimony pentachloride were used af the source materials respectively for tin and for antimony. The tin oxide films, undoped or antimony-doped, turned out to be n-type semiconductors and their forbidden band gap was estimated as 3.9 eV. The current-voltage characteristics of both SnO₂/Si and SnO₂( Sb)/Si heterojunctions represent good rectification with a threshold voltage of 0.55V. The barrier of the junction with a height of 0.78 eV was found in the Si side as in the case of metal-semiconductor Schottky barrier juntions. The deplection layer width of these junctions was estimated at zero bias as 7320Å. The ideality factor for undoped tin oxide films was 3.1 and reduced to 2.5 for Sb-doped films. The energy band diagram of SnO₂( : Sb)/Si heterojunctions has bean suggested from he results of these electrical pro perties.