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Vol.26, No.4, 345 ~ 354, 1988
A Study of the Extraction of Beryllium from Decrepitated Beryl
이광학 Kwang Hak Lee
A compact naturally occurring α-beryl was decrepitated at 960℃ to a porous β-structure, from which, beryllium extraction was investigated by sulfuric acid leaching at atmospheric pressure. The order of reaction as well as the overall reaction rate constant were calculated. Furthermore the apparent activation energy and the frequency factor were determined. A Langmuir-type equation was developed for the effect of pulp density and total surface area on the rate of beryllium extraction. The maximum theoretically attainable rate of beryllium extraction and proportionality constant were assessed. The effect of particle size on beryllium leaching with sulfuric acid is described by an exponential form. Beryllium extractions were realized approximately as high as 90%.
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