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Vol.26, No.3, 273 ~ 282, 1988
A Study on the Effects of the Retrogression and Reaging Treatments on the Strength and Susceptibility to Stress Corrosion Cracking of High Purity Al - 6.6Zn - 2.5 Mg Alloy
구형균Hyeong Kyun Koo, 박중근Joong Keun Park
Effects of the Retrogression and Reaging (RRA) treatments on the strength and the stress corrosion crack propagation in a high purity Al-Zn-Mg alloy were studied by measuring the hardness change and the crack growth rate as a function of the stress intensity factor using C-T specimens TEM was used to examine microstructural changes in both matrix and grain boundaries. The results showed that the RRA treatment resulted in a significant decrease of crack velocity without sacrificing T6 strength, similarly to the case of the commercial 7075 Al alloy. The RRA treated specimen showed a high overall concentration of precipitates in matrix including fine dispersion of η`. The improved SCC resistance of the RRA treated specimen is believed to closely related to increase in the size of grain boundary precipitates during the retrogression treatment.
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