
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.26, No.3, 260 ~ 273, 1988
Deformation Inhomogeneities in deep Drawing Steels
허무영 , 홍종휘 , Kurt Lucke Moo Young Huh , Jong Hwi Hong
The development of deformation inhomogeneities during the cold rolling of two deep drawing quality steels in the range of 20 to 75% reduction has been studied in detail using transmission electron microscopy. Various types of microstructural inhomogeneities such as microbands and shear bands were observed in the thin foils prepared from longitudinal sections of the rolled specimens. The formation of orientations near {111}<110> is found at the grain boundaries in grains oriented near {111}<112>. The concept of an additional relaxed strain is proposed to interpret the different crystal rotation in a deformed grain. Needle-like dislocation cells oriented at {111}//ND in the rolling plane section were compared with other dislocation cells with respect to the orientation dependence of the elastic stored energy.
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