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Vol.26, No.2, 119 ~ 126, 1988
Stress corrosion Crack Propagation in AISI 304 Stainless Steel Weldment
문해규Hae Kyu Moon, 권숙인Sook In Kwun
The effect of δ-ferrite in the AlSI 304 austenitic stainless steel weldment on the stress corrosion crack propagation in boiling MgCl₂solution was investigated. The network structure of δ-ferrite retarded the crack propagation rate due to keying effect, and the crack propagated along the boundaries of δand δ-ferrite phases. However, the crack propagation rate of the weldment was even faster than that of the matrix when dissolved nitrogen content was so high that there was no δ-ferrite in the weldment. Comparing with the preciously published paper, we found thats the predominant factor determining the stress corrosion clacking life time was not the time for crack initiation, but the crack propagation rate. Application of the linear fracture mechanics to stress corrosion cracking was a1so discussed briefly.
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