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Vol.25, No.10, 730 ~ 739, 1987
A Study on the Deformation Structures and Textures in Heavily cold Rolled 90 - 10 Brass
김용규Young Kyu Kim, 김상주Sang Joo Kim
Microstructures and texture of a 90-10 brass have been investigated to characterize the deformation mechanism during rolling reduction from 60 to 90% utilizing X-ray diffraction technique and electron microscopy. Two types of microstructure have been identified. One is a substructure consisted of thin deformation twins and shear bands. The other is a substructure consisted of microbands and shear bands. It is found that the overall deformation occurs in a series of overlapping stages, in each of which a single mechanism predominates. As rolling reduction increases, transitions of texture from a copper-type to a brass-type (at 80% reduction) and to the Goss-type (at 90% reduction) are observed. The first transition depends upon mechanical twinning, while the second one on shear band formation.
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