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Vol.25, No.7, 514 ~ 522, 1987
Discussion on the Johnson - Mehl - Avrami Equation Applied to the Crystallization Procedure of Metallic Glass
김성균Seong Gyoon Kim, 나형용Hyung Yong Ra
By modifing Johnson-Mehl-Avrami equation applicable to the isothermal phase transformation of space-random nucleation and constant growth rate, the time dependent nucleation rate could be expressed as a function of the transformation volume fraction. Using this modified J-M-A equation, we discussed the problems in evaluating the nucleation rate from In t vs ln (-ln (1 -x)) plot. Because a small chance in the shape of the In t vs ln (-ln (1-x)) plot makes extremely large variation in nucleation rate, J-M-A exponent n may lose it`s well-known meaning. One can not infer the whole nucleation procedure during phase transformation by any method using only the J-M-A equation.
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