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Vol.25, No.5, 335 ~ 344, 1987
Low Temperature Mechanical Properties of Fe - Al - Mn Alloys and the Mechanical Properties by Welding
박종성Jong Sung Park, 맹선재Sun Chae Maeng
In this work Fe-Al-Mn alloys of different phase structure of γ-single phase and mixed phase of α+ γhave been studied. By decreasing the test temperature, elongation was increased in most of the tested samples. However, elongation of the alloys containing more than 25% α-phase decreased at -196℃. Increase of elongation at low temperature may be interpreted with TRIP phenomena. The samples of y-single phase and she mixed structure of γ-5% αphase have shown very low decrease of impact energy with decreasing test temperature. Their low temperature impact toughness are superior to the conventional 304 stainless steel. The impact energy of the samples containing more than 25% α-phase decreased quite a large amount with decreasing test temperature. Weldability of all the alloys was not so good by arc welding. By decreasing the test temperature the strength of the welded materials increased and elongation has decreased.
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