Plastic Instability in Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Sheet under Uniaxial Tension
이동녕Dong Nyung Lee, 박수훈Su Hoon Park
The plastic instability in high purity aluminum, commercial purity aluminum and 2024 aluminum alloy sheets was studied using uniaxial tension testing. The emphasis of the study was on the effects of thickness and anisotropy in cold worked specimens and annealed specimens. Localized necking was observed in the specimens whose thickness to width ratio was less than about one fifth regardless of the condition of specimens. The angle between the localized neck trough and the tensile direction is shown to vary with the plastic strain ratio or the R value measured with respect to the tensile direction, whether specimen is planar isotropic or not. The strain at which local necking occurs can also be influenced by anisotropy of the specimen.