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Vol.25, No.1, 47 ~ 53, 1987
A Study on the Mechanical Properties of WC - ( Ni - Cr - Fe ) Hardmetals
유영성Y . S . Yoo, 김도연D . Y . Kim, 은광용K . Y . Eun
The effect of the (Cr-Fe) addition in WC-Ni alloy on microstructure, hardness and toughness has been investigated. The specimens of WC-15 (Ni-(Cr-Fe)) with various (Cr-Fe) contents have been prepared by infiltration method. The hardness increased and the toughness decreased with (Cr-Fe) content, and the effect appeared to be dependent mainly on the resultant fine grain size as well as the hardening of matrix alloy phase. The microstructures of the alloy containing more than 20% of (Cr-Fe) in binder showed the complex carbides.
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