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Vol.25, No.1, 32 ~ 41, 1987
A Study on the Hydrogen Embrittlement of Cast Duplex Stainless Steels
이경섭 Kyung Sub Lee
The effect of ferrite on the hydrogen embrittlement of cast duplex (ferrite + austenite) stainless steels was studied. The hydrogen embrittlement was observed when the strain induced martensite was formed in these steels, and the degree of embrittlement was proportional to the amount of the martensite transformed. The ferrite reduced the degree of embrittlement when the specimens containing the same amount of martensite were compared, but a severe embrittlement occurred as the amount of ferrite increased due to the hydrogen embrittlement of ferrite itself. The specimen fractured in the hydrogen atmosphere showed the many surface cracks and the brittle fracture of the cleavage type.
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