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Vol.24, No.12, 1323 ~ 1331, 1986
Effect of Coiling Temperature on the Carbide Precipitation and the Texture Development in Low Carbon Al - Killed Steel
한봉희Bong Hee Hahn, 김상훈Sang Hoon Kim
The effects of coiling temperature on the carbide precipitation and the texture development in At-killed low carbon sheet steel for deep drawing quality were investigated. To simulate coiling effect, commercial hot-bands with three different microstructures in size, morphology and distribution of carbide particles were cold-rolled and annealed at various conditions, and optical microstructures of overawed state were examined Cold-rolling textures were nearly unvaried, independent of initial structure, but the specimen with coarse carbide particles showed the strongest {111} component in recrystallization texture. Plastic strain ratio (γ ̄) was maximum in the specimen with coarse carbides annealed at 850℃ Initial pearlites in the hot band remained even after over-aging treatment and the number of carbide particles after over-aging treatment was the smallest in the coarse-carbide specimen.
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