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Vol.24, No.10, 1159 ~ 1169, 1986
Fabrication of the Stainless Steel - Copper - Stainless Steel composite sheets and their Tensile Behavior
이동녕Dong Nyung Lee, 김동길Dong Gil Kim
Stainless steel-copper-stainless steel composite sheets have been made by melting copper sandwiched between stainless steel sheets, followed by hot rolling. Effects of the melting time and temperature, and subsequent hot rolling on the mechanical properties of the sandwiched sheets were discussed on the basis of microstructures developed during fabrication. Flow curves or the composite sheets followed the rule of mixture. This was attributed not to the negligible transverse stresses compared to longitudinal stresses in the component layers, but to the fact that an increase in the longitudinal stress due to the tensile transverse stress developed in one component layer while a decrease in the longitudinal stress due to the compressive transverse stress in the other component layer.
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