electric Arc Smelting of domestic Titaniferrous Magnetite Ore
김대수Dae Soo Kim, 최영윤Young Yoon Choi, 김준수Joon Soo Kim, 임석중Suk Joong Im
Domestic titaniferrous magnetite ore contains about 20% TiO₂ and 40% Fe. To obtain pig iron and TiO₂-enriched slag suitable for the chlorinator feed to produce metal titanium, pellets made of ground ore, coke and soda ash were smelted in an arc furnace. A series of tests were conducted to determine the effects of smelting temperature and time, ratio of ore to coke, and addition of flux on the TiO₂ content in the slag. The content of TiO₂ in the most enriched slag was 52%. The iron purity in the pig iron was 94.8% and TiO₂ content in the pig iron was less than 0.003%.