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Vol.24, No.1, 47 ~ 54, 1986
Study on the Desulphurization of Molten Pig Iron
허완욱W . W . HuH, 박현서H . S . Park, 이승관S . K . Lee
In the flux of CaO-CaF₂ system, effects of additives on the desulphurization of molten iron have been investigated by the flux injection method. The experiment was carried out in MgO crucible of induction furnace at 1350℃. The results are summarized as follows : 1. The degree of desulphurization and the fluidization of flux increased with increasing carbon contents. 2. The addition of Al promoted the desulphurization reaction and the η_(ca), but reduced the Si-loss in comparison with the addition of carbon. 3. The sulphur distribution ratio increased with increasing basic components and decreasing the manganese distribution ratio.
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