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Vol.23, No.12, 1340 ~ 1349, 1985
Application of the Regular Solution theory to Grain Boundary Segregation
장현구H . K . Chang, 최희경H . K . Choi
Equilibrium segregation of solute atoms to grain boundaries was studied for the ∑5 [100] and ∑3[110] tilt boundaries of the Ni-Cu binary system. The regular solution theory was applied to define atomic interactions. The results obtained from this study are as follows: 1. Copper segregation to the grain boundaries in the Ni-Cu system follows the Gibbsian equilibrium segregation behavior in which the segregation is localized on a few atomic layers, and its amount decreases with increase in temperature. 2. The amount of segregation on the ∑5 boundary appears to be greater than that on the ∑3 boundary. 3. Equilibrium segregation reduces grain boundary energy and its reduction is significant at lower temperature.
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