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Vol.23, No.9, 863 ~ 870, 1985
Effect of annealing Cycle on the Formability and texture of Cold - Rolled P - bearing High Strength steel
이계영Kye Yung Lee, 박영구Young Koo Park, 한봉희Bong Hee Hahn
The effect of heating rate and holding temperature during annealing on texture and deep drawability of rephosphorized cold rolled steel sheet was studied using tensile test for r-value and x-ray diffraction technique. Low carbon steel used in this study had 0.056% phosphorus The principal results are as follows: The peak r-value appears at a heating rate near 50℃/hr. So does (222) x-ray integrated intensity. But (200) intensity and (110) intensity show lowest values at this heating rate. As annealing temperature increases, (222) intensity increases and (200) intensity shows the lowest value at this heating rate. As annealing temperature increases, (222) intensity increases and (200) intensity, (110) intensity decrease, so r-value increases . As a result of recrystallization during annealing, the preferred orientation becomes (111) [112] which showes good deep drawability.
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