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Vol.23, No.8, 788 ~ 794, 1985
Effects of Cr - additions in the Formation of a Cr - surface - alloyed Layer on Low - C Steel by Laser
김도훈T . H . Kim, 김경배K . B . Kim, 김웅U . Kim
The methods of Cr-addition on a low-C steel affect the properties and the formation of a Cr-surface-alloyed layer produced by CO₂laser. The depth of melted zone showed larger in a Cr-electroplated specimen than in a Cr-powder coated one, while the width of melted zone on surface showed reversed results. The hardness of surface alloyed zone in a Cr-electroplated specimen resulted lower than that of matrix as other investigators had reported. Meanwhile that in a Cr-powder coated specimen increased very high due to some precipitations and the phase transformation. There is a tendency in the Cr-powder coated specimen for Cr to be penetrated and dispersed in melted region deeply compared with in Cr-electroplated specimen. In order to enhance the wear resistance on the Cr-surface-alloyed zone by laser, it is desirable to use the method of Cr-powder coating on low-C steel.
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