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Vol.23, No.6, 605 ~ 609, 1985
The Relationship between the Constants in the Paris Equation for Fatigue Crack Growth of Aluminum Alloys
이동녕Dong Nyung Lee, 이재봉Jae Bong Lee, 장세기Seky Chang
When the fatigue crack growth rate is given by the Paris equation, dc/dN=A(ΔK)^m, the a-m correlation may be expressed as log A=a+bm, where a=-6.74, b=-1.04 at R=0 and a=-7.09, b=-0.85 at R=0.3 for aluminum alloys indifferent to their compositions and thermo-mechanical treatments. Even though A or m did not vary as a single valued function of the yield strength or hardness of the alloys, A increased and m decreased with increasing yield strength or hardness due to cold working of an alloy. Therefore the fatigue crack growth behavior of the alloy may sometimes be predicted using its tensile or hardness test results.
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