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Vol.23, No.6, 573 ~ 583, 1985
Separation phenomena of controlled rolled HSLA Steels (1) ( Effect of Hot Rolling Conditions )
김정석Jeong Seog Kim, 박종우Jong Woo Park, 문인기In Ge Moon
Effect of controlled rolling conditions (such as reheating temperature, reduction amount in nonrecrystallization region, and finish rolling temperature ) on the separation phenomena was studied in C-Mn-Nb-V and low C-Mn-Nb-Mo HSLA steels. Change of the maximum separation length, microstructural features, texture, and strength with controlled rolling conditions were examined and their interrelationship was analysed. Major factors governing the change of separation length were i) solution and precipitation of Nb ii) Martensite-Austenite constituent and banded structure iii) strain induced precipitation and [100] texture.
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