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Vol.23, No.2, 106 ~ 116, 1985
A Study on the oxidation Rate of Iron and Geometric Factor
이광학K . H . Lee, 백영현Y . H . Paik
In surface reactions in which one solid is converted to another by means of oxidation or reduction, geometric factors reflect themselves in the kinetic pattern followed. Geometric factors are helpful in that by correlating the surface reactions with geometry equations it is possible to determine the direction of diffusion of the reactive species through the product layers. In this study iron sinters were oxidized in oxygen atmosphere to wu¨stite. The sinter is composed of many spherical iron grains which is subjected to individual oxidation. Results of these studies indicate that ferrous ions do diffuse outwardly and react with oxygen on the outer surface and in all cases, the geometric model correlates the kinetic data observed. The activation energy thus obtained was found to be about 31 Kcal/mole which corresponds to the activation energy of diffusion of Fe^(++) ion in wu¨stite matrix. It is also noteworthy that the intergrain diffusion of oxygen plays on important role in the oxidation rate.
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