The Effect of Specimen Size on fracture toughness ( COD ) of ABS EH 36 Steel
윤중근Joong Geun Youn, 김대훈Dae Hun Kim, 황선효Sun Hyo Hwang, 김문일Moon Il Kim
The crack opening displacement (COD) test has been applied to evaluated the fracture toughness as a function of specimen size for ABS EH 36 steel. The results obtained in the present works can be summuized as follow; 1. Critical COD value decreases initially with increasing specimen thickness and become constant above of SOmm in thickness. 2. The Critical COD was influenced more by the specimen thickness than the specimen Orientation. 3. The Size of specimen for high toughness materials, such as ABS EH 36 steel, should be greater than that of BS 5762.