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Vol.22, No.10, 1018 ~ 1027, 1984
Mechanical Properties of dual - Phase Steels with Changing transformed Ferrite Content
이기정Ki Jeong Yi, 이준정Joon Jeong Yi, 김동건Dong Keon Kim
Effect of transformed ferrite content on the mechanical properies of dual-phase steels has been studied and analyzed on the basis of observation on the austenite-to-ferrite transformation behavior during post-anneal cooling. Various contents of transformed ferrite were obtained by changing intercritical annealing temperature. As the transformed ferrite content was increased up to about 40%, dual-phase properties became better due to the finer distribution of martensite particles. However, the dual-phase properties were deteriorated when the transformed ferrite content becomes larger than the retained ferrite content. The significance of these results is discussed in relation to the austinite-to-ferrite trans formation behavior during intercritical annealing.
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