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Vol.22, No.7, 583 ~ 588, 1984
X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Amorphous Alloys Deposited on a Substrate
이덕열 Dok Yol Lee
It has quite often been observed that the interference functions of rare earth metal-transition metal amorphous alloys, which are prepared only by vapor deposition, show considerable deviation from the expected when evaluated directly from their X-ray diffraction intensity patterns. In this study efforts were made to find the causes and solutions thereof and, for that matter, X-ray diffraction experiments were performed both in transmission and reflection geometries on amorphous Co-Gd alloy films sputtered on a Be-substrate. It was found that, for a specimen on a substrate in reflection geometry, an adequate modification on the data reduction procedures or specifically the absorption correction should be made depending on the configuration of the specimen and substrate. Also it was realized that the data reduction procedure is relatively simpler when the substrate faces towards the incoming X-ray beam than the contrary.
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