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Vol.22, No.6, 561 ~ 567, 1984
Effect of Casting thickness on Mechanical Property and Graphite Shape in as Casted GCD 70 Ductile Cast Iron
김창주Chang Joo Kim, 윤한상Han Sang Yun
Casting thickness influences mechanical property and graphite shape in ductile cast iron and the results from this study are as follows: 1) The strength and the hardness were decreased rectilinearly as the casting size increased from Ø25㎜ to Ø100㎜ and were nearly same at the size of Ø100㎜ and 150㎜. 2) The strength and the hardness were appeared homogeneous in every step bar of the same thickness. 3) The best ductility was obtained at Ø50㎜. 4) The maximum diameter of huge graphite nodule was 130㎛.
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