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Vol.22, No.5, 455 ~ 462, 1984
On the Change of Mechanical Properties as the Degree of Spinodal decomposition in a Fe - Cr - Co alloy
신경호Kyeong Ho Shin, 나종갑Jong Gab Na, 이택동Taek Dong Lee
The change of mechanical properties of Fe-33%Cr-12-15%Co alloys was studied as a function of the degree of spinodal decomposition. Step aging method of the solution treated specimens from 650℃ to 590℃ in 20℃ interval was employed to simulate the change of degree of spinodal decomposition, Yield strength of the spinodally decomposed specimens increased rapidly as increasing the degree of decomposition while elongation behaved the opposite. Room temperature deformation mode of the specimen step aged to 630℃ was mainly slip mode while that of the specimen step aged to 590℃ was mainly twin mode for 12% Co alloys. Electron micrograph of dislocation substructure is suggesting that this transition may be related to the Peierl`s force change of α₂particles as the degree of spinodal decomposition increases. These and other behaviors such as fracture were also discussed.
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