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Vol.22, No.1, 15 ~ 23, 1984
A Study on the Computerization of Soaking Pit Operation
심영택Young Tak Sim, 이인범In Bam Lee, 김용식Yong Sik Kim, 이승관Seung Kwan Lee
The Steel plant is composed of many sub-plants which perform their own processes and among these processes the batch processes related with the ingot process are very important with respect to the process optimization, for they generally determine the extent of the realization of the process optimization. In this research the mathematical model for the prediction of the soaking of the which optimizes the ingot process of the 2nd Blooming and Stabbing Mill Plant of the POSCO is developed. This article deals the development of the simultion model for the 2nd Blooming and Stabbing Mill Plant of the POSCO. The energy saving more than 10% is shown to be realized by applying the above simulation model manually. Therefore the process optimization of the 2nd Blooming and Stabbing Plant of the POSCO is anticipated by the computerization of the above plant which is now undergoing.
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