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Vol.21, No.12, 1142 ~ 1153, 1983
The Effect of Surface Treatment of the Fiber on the Waved SUS 304 fiber - Aluminum Alloy composites
김정근Chung Kun Kim, 박세윤Se Yoon Park
In the fabrications of waved form SUS 304 fiber reinforced aluminum alloy composites by vacuum infiltration process, the emphasis was placed on the mechanical properties and interface interactions between fiber and matrix in Composites, The stainless steel fiber (SUS 304) with 0.21 mm diameter was made into wave form, whose wave angle was 71.3˚. The result obtained in this investigation are as follows; 1. The most suitable reinforcement was obtained with the fiber through Al pack cementation at 900℃ for 30 min. 2. The higher value of hardness was shown in the interaction zone between steel fiber and Al alloy matrix due to the formation of intermetallic compound. 3. As the fiber volume fraction was increased in the matrix, tensile strength was increased while impact strength decreased. 4. In the analysis of interaction zones by EDS and WDS, Al, Fe, Cr, Ni, Cu, Mg were detected as the diffused constituents.
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