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Vol.20, No.10, 914 ~ 922, 1982
Effect of the Second Stage Cold Reduction Ratio on the Secondary Recrystallization in Grain - Oriented Si - Steel
우종수S . C . Woo, 박준철J . C . Park, 이건K . Lee
The influence of the second stage cold reduction ratio on the orientation of the recrystallized matrix in grain-oriented Si-Steel containing MnS ppt is investigated. The average deviation from ideal (110)[001] orientation in high temperature annealed specimen is reduced according to the increase of intensity of the (111) [112] component in the final texture of cold rolled strip and the intensity of the (111) [112] component has its maximum value when the second stage cold reduction ratio is 65%. It is also found that the temperature of the secondary recrystallization increases with grain coarsening of the primary matrix because the driving force for the secondary recrystallization, due to grainboundary energy, decreases.
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