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Vol.20, No.8, 661 ~ 672, 1982
Effect of Substituting W for Mo on Mechanical Behavior in A High Strength Structural Alloy Steel ( USS " T - 1 " )
강석봉Suck Bong Kang, 김영길Young Gil Kim
The effects of substituting W for Mo in a high strength structural alloy steel (US Steel "T-1" alloy) on tensile and impact properties have been investigated. The tungsten content (w/o) varied from 0.25 to 1.00 for the 0.5 w/o Mo, white the remaining alloy compositions were kept constant. It was found that both yield strength and ultimate tensile strength increased with the increasing tungsten content, reaching a plateau strength above 0.75 W. The substitution of W for Mo in the alloy greatly enhanced the Charpy impact energy. At the test temperature of -20℃, the impact energies of 1.00 W alloys were about 40% higher than that of 0.5 Mo alloy. It was also observed that the addition of W was as potent as Mo in preventing temper embrittlement in the alloy.
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