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Vol.20, No.5, 448 ~ 455, 1982
Anneal hardening in Al Bronze
이성근Seong Keun Lee, 이동녕Dong Nyung Lee
Effects of Al content and the degree of cold working on the anneal hardening of αAl bronze were investigated by using hardness measurement and transmission electron microscopy. A maximum anneal hardening was obtained at annealing over the temperature range from 250℃ to 350℃ for about 10 mins. The hardening increased with increasing stacking fault density. The anneal hardening was influenced more by the degree of cold working than by the solute content. Rearrangement of stacking fault during heating was directly observed in an electron microscope, which might give rise to decreasing internal energy of the material. The anneal hardening of the material could be attributed to segregation of solute atoms at stacking faults.
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