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Vol.20, No.5, 438 ~ 448, 1982
The Simultaneous Dephosphorization and Desulphurization of Carbon Saturated liquid Iron by CaO Flux
조대영Dae Young Cho, 윤종규Jong Kyu Yoon, 심재동Jae Dong Shim
1. The simultaneous dephosphorization and desulphurization of carbon saturated iron were possible with the use of fluxes which contained CaF₂, Na₂CO₃, Fe₂O₃or Na₂B₄O_7 in CaO base. 2, The high desulphurization degree over 80% was obtained within 20-25 minutes, but dephosphorization degree was comparatively low as showing 40-50% and rephosphorization was occured because of reduction loss of effective components such as iron oxide and Na₂O. 3. The distribution equilibrium of phosphorus between slag and metal was formulated quantitatively by estimating the effect of slag composition on P₂O_5 activity. 4. The rate of dephosphosization and desulphurization satisfied a first order reaction equation when driving forces were expressed by differences from equilibrium concentration. Apparent rate constants were variable with slag composition and it was considered that chemical reaction is a rate determining step.
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