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Vol.20, No.4, 370 ~ 375, 1982
Prediction of the Enthalpy of Hydride Formation of La - Ni - M Ternary Intermetallic Compound
이병택B . T . Lee, 노광현K . H . Ro
Atomic cell model describing the heat of hydride formation of binary intermetallic compound is extended to the ternary intermetallic compound and some equations predicting the heat of hydride formation (ΔH) of ternary intermetallic compound are derived. Tested with relationship between ΔH and hydrogen equilibrium pressure, derived equations predict the trend of increase of ΔH well but fail to explain the difference between trend of ΔH of LaNi₄M type compound and that of La_(0.8)M_(0.2)Ni_5 type compound. To eliminate such difference, calibrated enthalpy change is suggested.
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