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Vol.19, No.10, 906 ~ 915, 1981
Computer Calculation of Ternary Phase Diagrams
이경종 , 이동녕
A study has been made of the computer calculation of ternary phase diagrams using binary thermodynamic data. Binary data were expressed in analytical formula of Redlich-Kilter equation or Legendre polynomials. A path dependent equation and a path independent equation developed from a regular solution equation were used to the calculation of ternary free energies of mixing. In order to determine the phase boundaries or tie lines, minimization of free energies in two-phase regions was adopted, which was achieved by the simplex and the hill-climbing methods. The calculated phase diagrams of the Bi-Al-Pb system at 1173˚K and Fe-Cr-Ni system at 1573˚K were in good agreement with the measured phase diagrams.
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