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Vol.19, No.1, 36 ~ 42, 1981
Effect of Extrusion Temperature on the Strength of 2024 Aluminum Alloy
신명철M . C . Shin, 정영훈Y . H . Chung, 맹선재S . C . Maeng, 홍종휘J . H . Hong
2024 aluminum alloy was extruded over a temperature range of 300℃∼443℃ and the effect of extrusion temperature on strength and microstructure of the extruded state (F state) and T4 state has been studied. Extrusion at 300℃ showed the lowest strength among the studied extruded specimens, even lower than the homogenized state. The extrusion temperature which resulted the highest strength of the extruded was 350℃. It is concluded that major controlling factor of the strengthening of extruded state is precipitates, and secondary factor of it seems to be the sub-grain size. The strength of the T4-state increased with increasing the extrusion temperature.
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