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Vol.18, No.6, 521 ~ 534, 1980
Effects of Recrystallized Texture of 17 % Cr Ferritic Stainless Steel Sheet on Deep - drawability
한봉희B . H . Hahn, 권혁상H . S . Kwon
]For various rolling processes, the effects of recrystallized textures of 17% Cr ferritic stainless steel shut on deep-drawability were investigated by using 1) Pole figure analysis, 2) plastic strain ratios derived from tensile tests, 3) earing behavior observed from cup-drawing. For single cold rolling processes, deep-drawability increased with increasing cold reduction. The best combination of high average plastic strain ratio and low planar anisotropy was achieved by 86% cold reduction. For double cold rolling processes having total reduction of 81%, the maximum average plastic strain ratio was obtained with the distribution of reduction, of 50%-62%, and the planar anisotropy decreased with increasing 2nd cold reduction. (111)[211] recrystallized texture was obtained after the (112)[110] component became the main texture of the cold rolled matrix. (011)[100] texture and (001) [110] texture respectively affected γ_(90) and γ_0 with a disproportionality to their small volume fraction. With increasing cold reduction, the (111) [211] texture increased in volume fraction while the (011) [100] texture decreased. The high earing tendency of double cold rolling processed sheets was due to high γ_(90) value by development of (011) [100] texture. The formation of six ears on drawing by sheet reduced 86% is the result of both a strong (111) [211] and a week (112) [110]+(112) [110]±15 ND textures.
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