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Vol.18, No.6, 509 ~ 515, 1980
Study on the Complex Compound in Bi2O3 - MoO3 System
이상화Sang Hwa, 황용길Lee, Yong Kil, Hwang
This study is to find out the mechanism by which reaction products form when the bismuth trioxide and molybdenum trioxide is sufficiently mixed with a mole ratio of 1 to 1 and then heated at various temperatures selected from the differential thermal analyses. The results obtained from the experiment that these reaction products have been alkalileached are summarised as follows ; 1. The reaction products of the mixture of Bi₂O₃and M_0O₃(mole ratio=1 : 1) for 500℃ are Bi₂M_0O_6, Bi₄M_0O_9 and αBi₂O₃, whereas at above 670℃ the product obtained is identified to be Bi₄M_0O_9 by the reaction B₂M_0O_6 +α-Bi₂O₃→Bi₄M_0O_9. 2. At a temperature of 900℃ which is above the melting point of Bi₂O₃there is no change in weight. In the temperature range of 820℃ to 1000℃ below the boiling point of M_0O₃, however, it is shown to be a decrease in weight by 80%. 3. The melting point of Bi₄M_0O_9 is found to be 950℃ the change in weight of Bi₄M_0O_9 formed by mixing M_0O₃and Bi₂ O₃is not shown because of the formation of the compound Bi₄M_0O_9. 4. The chemical reaction analysis has shown that one of the reasons why the leaching rate of roasted ores of M_0S₂containing Bi is lowered can be explained by the fact that Bi₂M_0O_6 and Bi₄M_0O_9 are not soluble in a solution of NaOH under the condition of atmospheric pressure.
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