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Vol.18, No.5, 453 ~ 459, 1980
Physical Significances of Enthalpy and Entropy Interaction Parameter in Ternary Solid Solutions Containing Hydrogen
이병택B . T . Lee, 이재영Jai Young Lee, 남인탁I . T . Nam, 김대룡D . Y . Kim
With the published data of solubility of hydrogen in Mo and Mo-base alloys, the free energy interaction parameters(ε) of each alloying elements are calculated. These data cover the temperature range from 900 to 1500°K and from the ε vs 1/T (temperature) plot, enthalpy and entropy interaction parameters of each alloying elements are calculated. The two major parts of the effect of alloying elements on the solubility of hydrogen, i.e. the effect of the electronic structure and that of the strain are discussed briefly. And finding is that the former contributes dominantly to the enthalpy interaction parameter and the latter to the entropy interaction parameter. Applying the above findings to the Nb-Ta system, the argument is justified more clearly.
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