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Vol.18, No.1, 17 ~ 30, 1980
Kinetics of Desulphurization of Carbon Saturated Iron by Slags
김영홍 Y . H . Kim
The kinetics of desul phurization of carbon saturated iron by CaO-MgO-SiO₂ slag was studied at 1460℃ under CO gas atmosphere varying the slag composition, melt geometry, Si and MnO additions, and ambient pressure. It was shown that the desulphurization reaction is not controlled by either diffusion of sulphur in the metal or the slag but by an electrochemical reaction. Desulphurization takes place in three different reaction stages; the intial fastest stage is dependent anodic reaction of iron transfer and CO evolution, the second medium rate stage is controlled by CO evolution, and the final slowest stage controlled by silica reduction from the silicate slag.
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